@ The Shandaken Project

Feb. 12, 2015

Kadji Amin is Assistant Professor of Queer Studies and the Spring 2015 Faculty Fellow at the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook. He is working on a book manuscript, tentatively titled Queer Attachments, excavates the affective joint between Jean Genet, the Black Panthers, and the Palestinians in order to interrogate the expectations, orientations, and aspirations that animate contemporary Queer Studies. He has published in GLQ, French Studies, Transgender Studies Quarterly, and L’Esprit créateur, and has an article forthcoming in Études françaises. He is also an active member of the Sexual Politics / Sexual Poetics Collective, a working group of early career Queer Studies scholars. 

Ramdasha Bikceem began writing zines she was 15 years old while living in throes of a Wasp New Jersey suburban wasteland. She was inspired by punk feminist zines of the late 80’s and early 90’s.  Currently she lives in New York City where she runs an online vintage clothing business, writes notes on her iphone, takes photos of clouds and people she dresses up. She periodically writes criticism and observations on social media and often gets a lot of “likes”.  

Christina Crosby is the author of The Ends of History: Victorians and ‘The Woman Question’ and essays on other Victorian and feminist topics. Her new book, Body Undone (forthcoming from New York University Press in the “sexual cultures” series), is a first-person account of living on after surviving a catastrophically transformative spinal cord injury at age 50. A record of Crosby’s struggle with surreal neurological pain and the proprioceptive disorientation of paralysis, the book is also a feminist & queer meditation on relational life, caring labor, death, grief, sex, metaphor, and love.

Presented in conjunction with Creative Time.