Ramdasha Bikceem began writing zines and playing in punk bands when she was 15 years old while living in the throes of a Wasp New Jersey suburban wasteland. She was inspired by punk feminist zines of the late '80s and early '90s. Currently she lives in Los Angeles where she attends a cosmetology program, runs an online vintage clothing business & throws a monthly queer party with friends. She periodically writes criticism and observations on social media and often gets a lot of "likes."
Amanda K. Davidson walks in LA. The Sissy Goes for a Swim, her latest chapbook, was recently published by The Elephants. Visit amandakdavidson.com for fiction, comics, and more.
Melanie Griffin was born in Augusta, Georgia in 1981 and now lives in Los Angeles, California. She spent her formative years in Virginia and New York. She received a BA from Antioch College, where she studied Cultural Studies and Visual Arts. She has worked in many mediums including music, painting, drawing, collage, and textile art. Melanie has recently begun reaching back to to some performance roots by exploring, with wit, heart, and some sadness, her experiences as a Queer, Black, chronically ill woman type person, through a mash-up of stand up comedy, memoir, and prose.
Faye Driscoll is a Bessie Award-winning choreographer hailed as a "startlingly original talent" by the New York Times. She is a recipient of a 2016 Doris Duke Award, a 2016 United States Artist Fellowship, a 2013 Guggenheim Award, and a 2013 Foundation for Contemporary Art Award. Her most recent project, THANK YOU FOR COMING is a trilogy of works created from 2012-2019 in which Driscoll extends the sphere of influence of performance to create a communal space where the co-emergent social moment is questioned, heightened, and palpable.